The Montessori Approach Has Benefits Even For The Littlest Ones

Often, parents figure that the preschool they send their child to does not matter too much. The child is still little and has so much time to learn later on. However, it's a bit of a misconception that the preschool you choose barely matters. It's actually very important. Preschools can take very different approaches, and it is important to choose one with an approach that puts your child's needs and abilities first. In many cases, a preschool that uses the Montessori method is a smart choice. Here are some benefits that the Montessori method has even for the smallest of kids.

The Montessori Method Uses Play As Learning

Most preschoolers do not want to sit still and learn in a formal environment for very long. They want to play! The Montessori method uses this to its advantage. It finds ways to turn play into educational experiences. Instead of sitting down and practicing writing letters, for example, kids may be encouraged to practice writing as they make their own cards at a craft table. Your children will learn, but without feeling like learning is thrust upon them, which will help them maintain their curiosity and passion for learning as they grow older.

The Montessori Method Helps Identify Students' Unique Interests

In traditional school environments, students are all asked to learn the same things. This can serve to erase some of the students' originality when they are just beginning to develop it! At a Montessori preschool, the teachers will focus on identifying students' interests and strengths and then work to foster them. They'll be praised for being individuals, not encouraged to all fit into the same mold.

The Montessori Method Treats Teachers as Guides

Many adults can recall times when they were scared of their teacher or felt they were treated unfairly by teachers. In conventional schools, students learn to see teachers as an ultimate authority, which can have some damaging effects later on. The Montessori method has teachers act more like guides. They don't rule authoritatively over the classroom but instead guide students in their independent learning journeys. This fosters a healthier relationship with authority figures and will help your young student develop a healthy respect for teachers, rather than a fear of teachers.

If you have a Montessori preschool in your area, it is an option well worth looking into. The preschool you send your child to does matter as it will form the basis of the rest of their educational years. Contact local preschool programs to learn more.
