Four Ways To Prepare Your Child Emotionally For Daycare

When it is time for you to go back to work after you give birth, if you do not have in-home care provided by a relative or nanny, you will be faced with enrolling your young one in a daycare center. The upside of daycare is that your child will be in a structured environment that provides them with the opportunity to socialize with other kids their age and engage in learning activities. [Read More]

7 Tips For Teaching Your Child To Share

If your child has trouble sharing his toys with other kids, you may feel frustrated. You want your little one to be generous and willingly share his belongings with others, but he fusses every time you ask him to let his playmate play with a toy. It is quite normal for little kids to be selfish, but it is up to you as a parent to show your child how important sharing is. [Read More]

4 Reasons To Enroll Your Child In A Private School

Some parents automatically reject the notion of enrolling their children in a private school simply because they think of such schools as elitist or unaffordable -- without giving full consideration to the many benefits such an education can offer. If you're on the fence about where to send your kids, here are four compelling reasons to keep some kind of private school on your short list. 1. Education With an Agenda [Read More]

2 Ways Your Child Can Pay Their Own Preschool Tuition

While there are several benefits for children attending preschool, many parents find the cost of decent preschools out of their reach. Many parents have to work extra hours or take on part-time jobs just to give their children the head start in life that preschool can offer. The cost can be especially prohibitive in families where only one parent works and the other parent stays at home to manage the home and care for children. [Read More]